Flash-grilled: Anthony Garlando

By James McAllister

- Last updated on GMT

Flash-grilled with Aqua Shard executive chef and Oro Sushi co-founder Anthony Garlando

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The Aqua Shard executive chef, who helped found delivery-only sushi concept Oro earlier this year, on his first industry job, and the best meal he's ever eaten.

What was your first industry job?
Butcher after school and kitchen porter in a pub on weekends.

If you weren’t in kitchens, what would you do?
Either an architect or a freestyle motor cross rider.

What industry figure do you most admire, and why?
Too many to choose from, but I would say Rainer Becker from Zuma. He is a very talented restaurateur and a genuinely kind person who gave me a lot of opportunities.

Pet hate in the kitchen?

What’s the oddest thing a customer has said to you?
Someone once told me I didn’t season a foie gras terrine enough, and so I mustn’t be in love.

Sum up your cooking style in a single sentence…
Simple, seasonal and unique flavour combinations.

What’s the worst review you’ve ever had?
Was told years ago that my black pudding resembled pig shit.

Which single item of kitchen equipment could you not live without?
Micro plan.

What would you choose to eat for your last meal?
Sushi by the beach with a nice white burgundy or Chablis.

À la carte or tasting menu?
Tasting menu.

What’s the best meal you’ve ever had in a restaurant?
Pierre Gagnaire's three-star restaurant in Paris on my last day of working there.

What’s the dish you wish you’d thought of?
Toasted cheese and ham sandwich.

MasterChef or Great British Menu?
Great British Menu.

Restaurant dictator for a day – what would you ban?

Who would your dream dinner party guests be?
Jim Morrison.

What’s your earliest food memory?
Making tomato sauce with my nonna and family in the back yard in Australia.

Twitter or Instagram?

Favourite food and drink pairing (the more obscure, the better)?
Tea and cheese.

What advice would you give someone starting out in the industry?
Work hard, keep your head down,and the industry will bring you a lot of adventures and life experiences.

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